Monday, December 6, 2010

More Than Just a Tough Girl

I set a glass of coke and Jack Daniels on the bar in front of some random customer and looked around at the bar. It was a typical night at my place; people were drunk as hell, and all over each other in either a sexual or fighting way.I couldn't wait to just get the hell out of here and go home (which, by the way, some of you were wondering if I actually have one :p I do haha.) I had my eyes on one particular girl that one night, and not just in a sexual way. Shocker, right? She looked so beautiful...yet tough. Like she would dance with a guy, but as soon as he grabbed her ass she smashed a beer bottle on his head. I tore my eyes away from her to poor someone a drink and when I looked back up, I saw four pairs of glossy eyes staring back up at me. Jamie, Carson, Dawn and Cristy. "Can you get us some drinks pleeeaasseee Buck? It's our, uhm, anniversary?" Jamie said looking at Carson, and Carson just nodded back at her. Kit and Angelica walked up then.
"I'd like a Dirty Martini Up." Kit said standing at the bar. I just stared back at her. "Uhh..please?" she said.
"Girls, when are you going to realize your just a little too young to be drinking. In bars." I said resting my elbows on the counter. They all just looked at each other.
"What do you mean?" Jamie asked.
"Yeah nothings ever stopped you before." Carson said.
I shook my head. "Right.." I said then started to make them some drinks.
"So, who was the girl you were checking out earlier?" Kit said as I handed her her Martini.
"I don't know what your talking about." I said nonchalantly.
"Oh come on. Everyone noticed. Was it one of us?" Jelly said.
"No, of course not." I said trying not to look them in the eye.
"Your lying!" Jamie said.
"Uhm..Cristy, drinking so soon after you just had your baby?" I said trying to change the subject.
"Oh shut up. I'm celebrating." She stuck her tongue out at me, then walked away with a drink.
"Come on Buck, you have to tell us. We already know that it's one of us because of how obvious your acting. And we're pretty much all taken already, except for.." Jamie trailed off.
"Give it a rest girls. I gave you your drinks. Now go have fun and stop bugging me, kay?" I said wiping the counters. They groaned, then all grabbed their drinks and left. That was a close one, I thought. I continued on through the night like usual. Just taking care of a bunch of drunks.
Oh and I'm going to have a huge New Years party at the bar. Drinks past midnight are on the house. :p